My publications


Dispute Resolution in Australia

Mediation for Lawyers

Sex, Gender, Sexuality and the Law

Book Chapters

The Encyclopaedia of Peace Psychology

The Story Cookbook

Making Sense of Stories

An Aesthetics of Law and Culture

Refereed articles / papers

HARDY, S; RUNDLE, O and RIGGS, Damien W. (2017) “Working with trans or gender diverse, intersex and/or non-heterosexual clients: Advice for mediators” (2017) 28 ADJR 35.

HARDY, S. (2015) “Great Expectations: The relationship between negotiating student and supervisor expectations at the commencement of the candidature and future conflict”, Quality in Postgraduate Supervision Conference Proceedings.

ALEXANDER, N and HARDY, S. (2014) ‘Beyond Mediation: How conflict coaching can enhance your practice’ Journal on 3rd Asian Mediation Association Conference

KNIGHT, C; HARDY, S and KNIGHT B. (2013) ‘Social Innovation, Resilience and the Higher Degree Research Experience’ (2013) International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 1(1).

HARDY, S and RUNDLE, O. (2012) ‘Applying the Inclusive Model of Ethical Decision Making to Mediation’ James Cook University Law Review, 19: 70-89.

HARDY, S and RUNDLE, O. (2012) ‘Australian Birth Certificates: The best interests of no one at all’ Australian Journal of Family Law 26: 116-141.

HARDY, S; DHANISSARO, P; and THANGSURBKUL, W. (2011) ‘Peace Revolution’s Online Social Platform: From Inner Revolution to Global Evolution of Ethical Media Production’ Journal of Media Literacy Education 3:2, 84-89.

HARDY, S and LLOYD, C. (2010) ‘Artful ADR Training’ AC Resolution Spring/Fall: 7-10.

HARDY, S. (2009) ‘Teaching Mediation as Reflective Practice’. (2009) Negotiation Journal 385- 400.

HARDY, S. (2008) ‘Mediation and Genre’. Negotiation Journal 24(3): 247-268.

HARDY, S. and SPENCER, D. (2008) 8(1) ‘Deal or No Deal: Teaching On-Line Negotiation to Law Students’. (2008) 8(1) QUT Law and Justice Journal 93-117.

HARDY, S. (2007) ‘The Text of Muteness in Personal Injury Litigation’. Law, Text Culture, 11:317-334.

HARDY, S. (2006) ‘Mediating Personal Injury: Melodrama and Tragedy’. ADR Bulletin 9(1), September 2006, 1-4.

HARDY, S. (2006) ‘The Text of Muteness in Personal Injury Litigation’. Passages: Law and Literature Association of Australia Conference Papers.

HARDY, S. (2004) ‘Legal Melodramas of Injury and Gender’. Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, 9(2): 23-40.

HARDY, S. (2004) ‘Role Playing in Consumer Protection Law: The Market Day Project’. Legal Education Review 14: 203.

HARDY, S and PRENZLER, T. (2002) ‘Legal Control of Private Investigators and Associated Private Agents: Profile and Issues’. Australian Journal of Law and Society, 16(1), 1-20. (80%)

HARDY, S and GRIGGS, L. (2001) ‘ACCC v Boral: The High Court awaits another s.46 case’. Australian Trade Practices Law Journal 9: 201-212. (50%)

HARDY, S. and MIDDLETON, S. (2001) ‘Legal Recognition of Significant Personal Relationships in Tasmania’. University of Tasmania Law Review 20 (2): 159-180. (60%)

HARDY, S. (2000-2001) ‘Narrative Theory, Psychology and Law’. Australian Journal of Law and Society 15: 194-208.

HARDY, S. (1999) ‘From Mother to Child’. Australian Journal of Law and Medicine 6: 389-408.

HARDY, S. (1998) ‘Online Mediation’. Alternative Dispute Resolution Journal 9: 216-225.

HARDY, S. (1997) ‘Third Party Beneficiaries to Insurance Contracts’. Insurance Law Journal 8: 145-160.

HARDY, S. (1997) ‘Misuse of Market Power – Purpose or Effect?’ Australian Trade Practices Law Journal 5: 114-120.

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