My publications
Book Chapters
Refereed articles / papers
HARDY, S; RUNDLE, O and RIGGS, Damien W. (2017) “Working with trans or gender diverse, intersex and/or non-heterosexual clients: Advice for mediators” (2017) 28 ADJR 35.
HARDY, S. (2015) “Great Expectations: The relationship between negotiating student and supervisor expectations at the commencement of the candidature and future conflict”, Quality in Postgraduate Supervision Conference Proceedings.
ALEXANDER, N and HARDY, S. (2014) ‘Beyond Mediation: How conflict coaching can enhance your practice’ Journal on 3rd Asian Mediation Association Conference.
KNIGHT, C; HARDY, S and KNIGHT B. (2013) ‘Social Innovation, Resilience and the Higher Degree Research Experience’ (2013) International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 1(1).
HARDY, S and RUNDLE, O. (2012) ‘Applying the Inclusive Model of Ethical Decision Making to Mediation’ James Cook University Law Review, 19: 70-89.
HARDY, S and RUNDLE, O. (2012) ‘Australian Birth Certificates: The best interests of no one at all’ Australian Journal of Family Law 26: 116-141.
HARDY, S; DHANISSARO, P; and THANGSURBKUL, W. (2011) ‘Peace Revolution’s Online Social Platform: From Inner Revolution to Global Evolution of Ethical Media Production’ Journal of Media Literacy Education 3:2, 84-89.
HARDY, S and LLOYD, C. (2010) ‘Artful ADR Training’ AC Resolution Spring/Fall: 7-10.
HARDY, S. (2009) ‘Teaching Mediation as Reflective Practice’. (2009) Negotiation Journal 385- 400.
HARDY, S. (2008) ‘Mediation and Genre’. Negotiation Journal 24(3): 247-268.
HARDY, S. and SPENCER, D. (2008) 8(1) ‘Deal or No Deal: Teaching On-Line Negotiation to Law Students’. (2008) 8(1) QUT Law and Justice Journal 93-117.
HARDY, S. (2007) ‘The Text of Muteness in Personal Injury Litigation’. Law, Text Culture, 11:317-334.
HARDY, S. (2006) ‘Mediating Personal Injury: Melodrama and Tragedy’. ADR Bulletin 9(1), September 2006, 1-4.
HARDY, S. (2006) ‘The Text of Muteness in Personal Injury Litigation’. Passages: Law and Literature Association of Australia Conference Papers.
HARDY, S. (2004) ‘Legal Melodramas of Injury and Gender’. Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, 9(2): 23-40.
HARDY, S. (2004) ‘Role Playing in Consumer Protection Law: The Market Day Project’. Legal Education Review 14: 203.
HARDY, S and PRENZLER, T. (2002) ‘Legal Control of Private Investigators and Associated Private Agents: Profile and Issues’. Australian Journal of Law and Society, 16(1), 1-20. (80%)
HARDY, S and GRIGGS, L. (2001) ‘ACCC v Boral: The High Court awaits another s.46 case’. Australian Trade Practices Law Journal 9: 201-212. (50%)
HARDY, S. and MIDDLETON, S. (2001) ‘Legal Recognition of Significant Personal Relationships in Tasmania’. University of Tasmania Law Review 20 (2): 159-180. (60%)
HARDY, S. (2000-2001) ‘Narrative Theory, Psychology and Law’. Australian Journal of Law and Society 15: 194-208.
HARDY, S. (1999) ‘From Mother to Child’. Australian Journal of Law and Medicine 6: 389-408.
HARDY, S. (1998) ‘Online Mediation’. Alternative Dispute Resolution Journal 9: 216-225.
HARDY, S. (1997) ‘Third Party Beneficiaries to Insurance Contracts’. Insurance Law Journal 8: 145-160.
HARDY, S. (1997) ‘Misuse of Market Power – Purpose or Effect?’ Australian Trade Practices Law Journal 5: 114-120.