I want to take this opportunity to personally thank you for the fantastic learning experience you provided my management team. I know that we put the pressure on by requesting that you deliver 8+ hours of content in just 4 hours but you certainly did rise to the challenge and did a fantastic job for us.
Of course we had high expectations going into this learning opportunity being delivered by a skilled professional such as yourself but these were far exceeded as confirmed by the feedback I have received from the attendees. All were very impressed by your relaxed and engaging style which kept their attention focused for the full duration. A hard thing to do after already having spent 8 hours in a classroom environment.
For me, the success or otherwise of such learning is measured by what the attendees take away and put into practice. It is only one week since your training was delivered and in this short space of time I have already had several attendees make reference to a difficult conversation they were preparing for. These people, including myself, are now far more confident in having these conversations and, just as importantly, they realise that they are a necessary function of leadership.
Sam, thank you so much for opening our eyes to the benefits that can be gained from having these difficult conversations. The content of what you presented was excellent but, more importantly, it was the way in which you delivered it that impressed us all the most. You created a very inclusive environment that allowed us to relax and to soak up the content of your presentation.
Mark Ellis
Regional Director, Crown Relocations, Sydney, Australia
Heather Sharkey
Assistant Director, Complaints Resolution Branch, Child Support Agency, Australian Government
The workshop was an outstanding success. The recipients responded well to the content and delivery during the two days and this was confirmed by the overwhelmingly positive feedback provided in the evaluation and strategies since employed by the participants to improve customer service…We regard ourselves fortunate to have secured Samantha’s services as there are very few people within Australia who have the same level of knowledge, skills and expertise in the rapidly growing area of complaints resolution. The majority of training courses available are pitched at a very basic level which does not meet the needs of senior staff who deal with complex complaints issues on a daily basis. The amount of material Samantha was able to draw on during her presentation was very impressive and provided staff with new perspectives into complaints resolution and an appreciation of complaints handling beyond CSA into a broader business context.
Sam’s training is engaging, detailed and practically useful. Her pedagogical techniques ensure all adult learning styles are addressed. She trains in ways that energize student thinking. Before you realise, time flies and you are always left wanting to engage in the subject material and learn more.
Julie Caswell
Manager, Student Complaints and Quality Improvement, James Cook University, Australia
Vyvyan Mishra
Advocacy Manager, Graduate Student Association, University of Melbourne, Australia
The four-day REAL conflict coaching training in Melbourne this February was customised by Sam Hardy for the tertiary education sector, and it certainly proved to be extremely relevant to my work as an advocate for postgraduate students. Sam is an exceptional trainer: her solid experience in, and passion for conflict resolution informed the whole workshop, which she made even more interesting through discussions, role play (not the scary kind!) and the provision of verbal and written tools to help us learn this new skill. This particular skill, of really listening to the other in an open and non-judgmental way and of empowering the person who is being coached, is applicable in and beyond the workplace. Without hesitation, I recommend this training to everyone!
TMR requested Dr Sam Hardy to provide ‘Managing Conflict’ training. Sam’s extensive knowledge, training delivery methods and easy going nature provided staff with the opportunity to feel at ease with any discussions in relation to conflict. This training was highlighted as being useful in both their work and personal lives.
Karen Barty
Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, Australia
Michelle Cornish
National Manager, People Strategy Branch, Centrelink, Australian Government
The content of the training material was expertly crafted to suit the intended audience. The professional layout and design of the materials was impressive. Centrelink has been impressed by the adaptable, energetic and highly professional service provided by Associate Professor Hardy.